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Nonintrusive http proxy in nodejs

In my previous posts I wrote about problems that might occur when using http proxy written in nodejs to debug http issues. Today I’m going to describe how to use nodejs builtin parser to overcome these problems. ##Nodejs streams Node.js has decent support for handling streams. Especially the pipe function takes a lot of burden away - whereas previously it had to be carefully handled by programmer. As a first step let’s use a simple socket server and tunnel http requests through it:

var net = require('net');
var stdout = process.stdout;
var server = net.createServer(function(clientSocket){
  var serverSocket = net.connect(8888,'localhost', function(){




The above code creates a socket server listening on port 9000. When it gets a connection from client it will immediately try to connect to other server listening on port 8888 - this is a port used by Fiddler or Charles. After the connection is established it uses pipe function to pass all data coming in on port 9000 to port 8888 as well as to standard output just so we can see what data is sent from client. We also need to pass data returned from port 8888 back to client that’s why there is the second pair of pipe calls.

With that we can already use curl to see raw http traffic written directly to standard output.

curl --proxy http://localhost:9000/

##Creating http proxy on network level The above example albeit simple doesn’t really provide any value as we still need a external proxy to properly pass http traffic. In order to make it a real http proxy we need to add parsing logic that will extract information about target server where we should pass incoming data too. While building a very simple http parser isn’t difficult why don’t we use existing one that is built right into node.js core http module?

Using node.js http parser isn’t exactly documented and I guess it’s not part of public API. Nevertheless it is exposed to client code intentionally and a quick look through the core http module source code gives enough examples of how to use it. With existing parser instance the only thing left to do is to extract Host header value, use it to connect to target server. Here is a core part of code required:

net.createServer(function (socketRequest) {
    var requestParser = HttpParsingStream.createForRequest(socketRequest);

    requestParser.on('headers', function (req) {
        //pause the request until we setup necessary plumbing
        //extract information about target server
        var hostNameHeader =,
            hostAndPort = hostNameHeader.split(':'),
            host = hostAndPort[0],
            port = parseInt(hostAndPort[1]) || 80;
        // now we now where to tunnel client request
        var srvSocket = net.connect(port, host, function () {
            //a response parser as a replacement for stdout
            var responseParser = HttpParsingStream.createForResponse(srvSocket);
            //pipe data from server to client

            //flush data buffered in parser to target server
            //pipe remaining data from client to target server
            //resume processing

    //pipe data from client to request parser


The above code makes use of HttpParsingStream which is a hand rolled writable Stream that uses node.js http parser to emit events. As you can see we first pipe client socket to requestParser to get information about target server. As soon as we get headers event the incoming client request is paused, we setup connection to target server, write raw data buffered in requestParser and setup pipes in a similar fashion as in the previous example. The most important property of this http proxy is that it does not change data coming from client and from target server in any way which is invaluable when debugging problems in http implementations.

HttpParsingStream explained

The above example relies on 2 instances of HttpParsingStream for request and response respectively:

var net = require('net'),
    http = require('http'),
    stream = require('stream'),
    Writable = stream.Writable,
    parsers = http.parsers,
    HTTPParser = process.binding('http_parser').HTTPParser,
    util = require('util');

var HttpParsingStream = function (options) {, {});
    var socket = options.socket;
    //get an instance of node parser
    var parser = parsers.alloc();
    //buffer for raw data
    var streamChunks = [];
    var that = this;
    //initialize as request or response parser
    parser.socket = socket;
    socket.parser = parser;
    //called by node http module when headers are parsed
    parser.onIncoming = function (request) {
        that.emit('headers', request);
        request.on('data', function () {
            //this is one of ways to get 'end' event
        request.on('end', function () {
            //free parser
            freeParser(parser, request);
    socket.on('close', function () {

    this._write = function (chunk, encoding, callback) {
            chunk: chunk,
            encoding: encoding
        //pass data to parser
        parser.execute(chunk, 0, chunk.length);
        callback && callback();

    //write data currently in buffer to other stream
    this.writeCurrentChunks = function (writableStream) {
        streamChunks.forEach(function (chunkObj) {
            writableStream.write(chunkObj.chunk, chunkObj.encoding);
util.inherits(HttpParsingStream, Writable);

The HttpParsingStream accepts 2 options:

  • socket for underlying request and response
  • parserMode used to properly initialise node.js http parser

Here’s how we create objects with it:

HttpParsingStream.createForRequest = function (socket) {
    return new HttpParsingStream({
        socket: socket,
        parserMode: HTTPParser.REQUEST,
        //used only for debugging
        name: 'request'
HttpParsingStream.createForResponse = function (socket) {
    return new HttpParsingStream({
        socket: socket,
        parserMode: HTTPParser.RESPONSE,
        //used only for debugging
        name: 'response'

Because HttpParsingStream is a Writable stream we can use it as:



and let node.js code handle buffering, pausing and resuming. There is also one additional function used to clean up and return a parser instance back to pool - it’s a copy paste from node.js http module source code:

function freeParser(parser, req) {
    if (parser) {
        parser._headers = [];
        parser.onIncoming = null;
        if (parser.socket) {
            parser.socket.onend = null;
            parser.socket.ondata = null;
            parser.socket.parser = null;
        parser.socket = null;
        parser.incoming = null;;
        parser = null;
    if (req) {
        req.parser = null;

Why create yet another http proxy implementation?

proxy-mirror a simple http debugging tool that I wrote so far relies on an excellent http-proxy module. However because http-proxy was created to be used mostly as a reverse proxy to route http traffic to different http servers it does not provide a way to access raw tcp data. With the above code I now have an easy way to access the data - so I can display it in a byte level manner - a feature of Fiddler that I find handy from time to time.

Moreover the target server will receive a request from client in an unchanged form. The same applies for response received by client. This is extremely important when resolving issues related to improper implementations of HTTP protocol.

I haven’t yet checked how the above code handles WebSocket connections - I’ll explore that in a next post. For the referece you can find full code in this gist.