
How to convert an express app to AWS Lambda?

In this post we will see how to convert an existing express application to AWS Lambda. This can help reduce AWS bill even by an order of magnitude. We will also use cloudform to describe the CloudFormation stack. An express app For our example to be complete we need an express application. Let’s use a single file to…


How to deploy Lambda function with CloudFormation?

Serverless deployments are popular these days. With a minimal cost you can have your own code wait and respond to various events. AWS Lambda, Azure Functions are just 2 examples of serverless offering from the biggest cloud providers. For a long time I had thought about them only in the context of ad-hoc setups not…


How to call a load balanced ECS service?

A service running ECS can call plethora of AWS APIs. It can read messages from queues, publish messages to SNS topics, query a database. These are all valid ways to communicate with the service. However, often the most appropriate way is to call the service by an HTTP API. In this post I’ll describe how to configure an…


How to deploy a service to Amazon Elastic Container Service with CloudFormation?

Containers are becoming the standard way of deploying software. Every cloud vendor now offers one or multiple ways to run containers on their platform. Most of our clients uses AWS to host their SaaS solution. As part of a new development for one of our clients we have decided to move away from Elastic Beanstalk and…
