
Anchor child element click

I had to solve a seemingly trivial bug in an angularjs based application that turned out to be more interesting than usual. The bug The bug report stated that “Clicking on a label causes page reload”. That should be an easy one I thought to myself and openeded chrome inspector to see a structure of DOM. Here’s a…


Guide to javascript generators

For a while now I’ve been hearing and reading about a new exciting features of ES6 like arrow functions, array comprehensions, classes, modules, generators and many more. While many of them are easy to understand generators can take a while to grok. So I thought it would be a good idea to write some samples to master…


AngularJs modules to the rescue

We’ve declared a new module called myApp and stated that it depends on another module called ngResource. In line 3 we are declaring a factory for itemsStorage that requires resource service and inject it as a value of parameter. As you may suspect under the hood the dependency injection mechanism inspects parameter…


AngularJs – my new superhero tool.

Introduction to angular
