For a while now I’ve been hearing and reading about a new exciting features of ES6 like arrow functions, array comprehensions, classes, modules, generators and many more. While many of them are easy to understand generators can take a while to grok. So I thought it would be a good idea to write some samples to master…
ReadA decent way too go through log files can come handy in various ways. From debugging bugs, investigating problems on production environment to figuring out where performance bottle necks are. For simple cases when there is only one log file involved you can go very far with using grep/awk/sed magic or any decent editor…
ReadRecently I was fixing a bug in an application written in angularjs which turned out to be pretty interesting for me. At first I couldn’t reproduce the error and just when I got frustrated it happened exactly as stated in the issue tracker. As it turned out the problem was caused by fast clicking on the same button…
ReadIn my previous posts I wrote about problems that might occur when using http proxy written in nodejs to debug http issues. Today I’m going to describe how to use nodejs builtin parser to overcome these problems. ##Nodejs streams Node.js has decent support for handling streams. Especially the function takes a lot of…
Readwill result in following output when the proxy is Fiddler: while a simple implementation relaying on node.js core http module and http-proxy module outputs this: Meanwhile without the proxy parameter the actual response is: but when the proxy setting is present: As you may have noticed the difference in requests (apart…
Readopenssl rsa -passin pass:x -in proxy-mirror.pass.key -out proxy-mirror.key rm proxy-mirror.pass.key echo “Generated proxy-mirror.key” openssl req -new -batch -key proxy-mirror.key -out proxy-mirror.csr -subj /CN=proxy-mirror/[email protected]/OU=proxy-mirror/C=PL/O=proxy-mirror echo “Generated…