Combine Express.js and ASP.NET Web API

Navigating to http://localhost:3000/hello will give you response from Express: When you go to http://localhost:3000/webapi/values you’ll get a standard ValuesController response: Note that both requests are logged in console using connect.logger middleware:


AngularJs modules to the rescue

We’ve declared a new module called myApp and stated that it depends on another module called ngResource. In line 3 we are declaring a factory for itemsStorage that requires resource service and inject it as a value of parameter. As you may suspect under the hood the dependency injection mechanism inspects parameter…


AngularJs – my new superhero tool.

Introduction to angular


Javascript MV* frameworks

Building a web application today isn’t nearly as hard as it was couple of years ago. Back then creating a rich client application using HTML and JS was possible but the number of options you had is a fraction of what is available today. The first SPAI helped building was relatively simple project –built with ExtJs…
